the latest
Infinite Regressions, a story I wrote when I was entirely preoccupied with questions of sexual and romantic ethics, was published in The Malahat Review (2024)
Hole Digger, an essay about marriage, money, divorce, and brief accidental tradwifery, published in The New Quarterly (2023)
A Haunting for Beck, a story of grief & skepticism & marriage complete with a medium, two ghosts, an unlikely love story, & an attempted theory of consciousness! published at Hazlitt in 2023
and a few other things you can read online
Catalogue for a Coming of Age, winner of the CRAFT CNF award, about which Joy Castro writes, “roving and aphoristic by turns as Harmer’s quicksilver intelligence spins and twirls upon its own assertions to interrogate them, offering a chronicle of a “body waking to find itself turned inside out.” Has a library ever been so blatantly erotic, a site for such intellectual ecstasy?
Motherhood is not the Enemy of Art, an essay that needs an update many years later (at the Globe and Mail)
This is the Dream! La La Land, Blue Valentine & Paterson on the Artist, with earnest assertions about ambition and being an artist (Bright Wall, Dark Room)
How to Read Through the Depths of Postpartum Depression (Lit Hub)
& some poems: “Long Engagement,” “Time Slice of a Marriage after Fifteen Years,” & “Proof” at Image Journal
reading from "Hole Digger" (2023)